What do I mean by 1st quarter life? Well, I believe this is the time wherein you're gradually having a glimpse of what adulthood life really is. And I am in that phase of my life where everything seems like a life and death decision-making. Life and death decision-making for this leads to my fate.
As I finally finished my degree in BS Psychology, I am completely at lost as to what to do with my life.
The career path that I should be taking; the things that I should be prioritizing. It's a shame that at this very moment I do not know where to go. Should I be in the corporate world or in academe? Should I be studying already (Master's Degree) or still more of working? Should I stick in HR or pursue Guidance and Counseling? The thing is, if you're as lost as me, it is perfectly normal. Maybe we all need time for ourselves, to know what we really want to become, to settle for the thing we passionately desire to be working on. Just hang in there buddy!