Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Open Letter to All Psychology Students

Hey there,

You are taking up Psychology, yeah? Are you really sure about this? To what extent are you sure in taking this discipline seriously? Was taking up Psychology  your decision and nothing to do with external factors such as parents, friends, and/ or crushes? Or perhaps you were left with no choice because the field that you really wanted had no more slots left so you are stuck with Psychology?

Whichever it is, it doesn't matter, you will love Psychology one way or another. Consider yourself lucky because you are a Psych major student. Below are some pros that I figured out along the way when I was studying in college and even now that I am already working.

1. Open-mindedness and Maturity

The very first thing a psychology student learns is how to be open-minded and be matured. Sure, that you entered college as a baby, whining about maturity and that you are old enough to be on your own. Reality is, you are not! You will learn that you are still grasping to be that matured person you thought you are. Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. We all went through that phase in our lives. (maturity is further discussed in my other blogs)

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior so needless to say that you will also be studying your own mind and behavior. So within that process you will be able to understand why people tend to act this way, why people choose to live this way, and why people has to be this way. It takes a lot of openness to be able to understand each individual.

We all have individual differences, you as a psych major knows about this. Our minds function differently and so our behavior follow whether one's mind is driven by emotions or logic. Thus making you a matured individual as early as you are now. I am not saying that all psych students become open-minded and matured, relatively yes but not 100%  of the population. Again, individual differences. But it was evident to where I graduated that the population of the student body who are considerate and understanding are the group of Psychology major students.

For better understanding, let me provide you an example. At an early typical morning, you are running late to school because of the sluggish driving and delaying tactics of a jeepney driver. He patiently waits for more passengers to fill the vehicle while you impatiently wait. If you are a psych major student you would not go full Hulk on the driver since you know that this is his way of living and that partially it is also your mistake as to why you  are tardy again.

 This is the perfect example of locus of control. Julian Rotter came up with this concept wherein there are individuals who have internal locus of control and external locus of control. Internal locus of control is when one believes that he can influence the external events and their outcomes while external locus of control is when you blame outside forces and external factors about everything.

NO TO BULLIES, when I was studying I did a short survey with my classmate which resulted to 9 out of 10 psych majors are against in bullying. When you study this field, your mind will see the many evils of society and ugly truths o reality. All you can do is  to be mature and be open about it.

2. Job Opportunities

Do you happen to encounter people asking you can you read their minds since you are a psych student? I bet you do. Do you get annoyed when your relatives ask you all the time what would become of you when you finish college? I know, it's pretty annoying hearing them utter words such as a dead end job.

But hey, here's a job reality preview for you, we have plenty of options  as to which career should we pursue. Actually, with so much options, you'll end up confusing yourself which career path to take. So if you are still a student, you should be able to think, reflect, plan, and make up your mind which work setting or field in Psychology you would like to spend the rest of your life with as a way of living. Otherwise, you'll experience quarter life crisis (career path for Psych graduates is further discussed in my other blogs).

What I am really trying to establish here is that so many job opportunities that can be branched out from taking up psychology. If you are one confused scared kid, just keep on reading my blogs, I'd be gladly to help and assist you with your career path. Anyway,  just to give you an idea, just a macroview as what are the possible settings: a. Industrial/Corporate, b. School/Academe, c. Clinical/Mental Health Institutions. Lastly, this is a preparatory course for medicine and law.

 3. Application on Relationships

Studying Psychology is very very very interesting. I cannot stress this enough because for one thing, psych majors can assess basically everybody-of course, with valid references or basis (just don't end up labelling yourself as judgmental). Usually, many psych majors assess themselves, their family dynamics and intimate relationships unconsciously.

After assessment, application commences. Everything that you've learnt from studying psychology such being empathic, being a good listener, being genuine always. Cool, is it not?

Eventually, you will be able to know why whether the family relationship is so enriching,  nurturing, well-bonded and not . Family is the basic unit of society and primary support system of anybody else. Psychology is made up of so many theories which you can use in your daily life. You are the bigger man, you know what is wrong with the dynamics of your family and you know what is the best remedy. You just have to open your eyes, ears and mind and do root-cause analysis.

Same goes with having intimate relationships. Some say dating a psychology major is so satisfying-I can vouch for that *wink*. Kidding aside, it really is, Psych majors are so understanding and very patient which are major foundation of love. We know how to handle people with different personalities. We are basically good listeners, we are true, genuine and honest. I am not saying that all psych majors are alike but most of them possess the ideal partner. I assure you.

If you have any comments, suggestions, questions and/or would like to share their stories, please feel free to comment it down below. And hit follow. Thanks

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